The start of something…Just don’t know what

I’ve been feeling the itch to start a podcast. Quite honestly, I think there are enough podcasts already, so who needs one more? But I can’t shake this feeling that it’s a must do. I don’t know why. But when God pesters, I’ve learned to listen. That is if I want any peace. Geesh.

And while I don’t know why, where it will go, or what it will do… the exciting thing is that I’m not worrying about it! For the first time in well, probably my whole life, I’m not asking questions (okay, I’m asking, but I’m not waiting for the answers to get started). I’m just going to start and see where it ends up. I’m leaving the perfectionism and production out of it and am just going for it before I convince myself not to do it. I’m calling the podcast Burn the Boats, Baby because, honestly, that’s where I am in my life right now. I’m burning the boats and taking the island. Making the decision to commit fully to the path ahead.

My husband and I have made so many drastic changes the past 3 years (starting with rededicating ourselves to each other), and people thought we were crazy doing what we’re doing in our 50s. Moving to a new state where we knew no one, buying 22 acres of land to start a farm, and starting whole new careers – my husband dove head first into politics to fight to protect our freedoms and I started a health and life coaching practice to help women regain their lives, health, and relationships so they can become the leading ladies of their lives and build a legacy for generations to come.

We burned the boats and there’s no going back. We committed to building our legacy. No more indulging in doubt. We’ve burned the boats to the past, to ill-health, to regrets, and so Burn the Boats, Baby, for a podcast name just sounded right …for now. And while I may be talk about some serious topics, humor, lightness and a bit of sarcasm is just my way, Baby (hence the very unserious image)😉!

And what will come of it? I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m just ready to begin. Actually as I said, God just won’t stop pestering me about it, so Ok, God, let’s do it.

Why am I doing a retreat?

So, I decided to start my podcast with an audio diary of my At-Home Retreat, which I am starting because I am exhausted!

While the past 3 years have been exciting, they have also been a bit hellish: Moving and settling into a new state, finishing my certifications and boards, starting a new practice, nursing my husband back to health, planning the layout of the farm, dealing with the illness and death of my mother, and being under a home renovation for a year… well, let’s just say, I’m cooked.

I told my husband I had to take some time to get back to myself again. I have let my own health go and am mentally and spiritually depleted, as well. I need some downtime to pull myself together. I just haven’t been myself.

And why am I sharing it?

Heck if I know, but here we are

Maybe sharing my journey along the way is meant to benefit someone somewhere. I’m not sure why I am doing it only that it is what I am being called to do. So I’ll be podcasting about what I’m doing on my retreat along with my thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It will be pretty personal and not a lot of glitz and glamour. Just shootin’ from the hip with honest, heart filled sharing and chit-chat.

I’ll be posting the podcast on my website at If you’d like to share in my journey, you’ll find it there. Look for the first episode on Friday (I should have all the tech issues worked out by then). You can sign up for my email list for notification when each episode is uploaded.

I’ll also be loading it to the appropriate podcasting sites as I go.

If you’d like to join me on my journey, I look forward to having you come along. Feel free to email me at . And/ or once uploaded to SM, feel free to connect with me there.

And we’ll just see where this new thing goes.

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