I’ve Been There

Waking Up

During Covid, I was no longer able to work 18 hour days, 7 days a week, and so I was forced to slow down and well, take a hard look at my life. I realized not only was my mental and physical health suffering, but my most important relationships suffered, as well. My kids were emotionally distant and my marriage barely existed. Michael and I were living more like roommates than husband and wife.

I was so pissed as I realized I had lost so much over the years. Years I could never get back. I remember screaming inside, “This can’t be my life!”

Hitting Rock Bottom

The critical moment came one day when I was cleaning the house and came upon some old journals of mine. Journals that spanned the past 25 years of my life.

As I sat on the edge of my bed reading through them, I was shocked. Leafing through journal after journal that spanned a couple of decades, I realized all the dreams, wishes, and goals I had for my life, I was still wishing for – 25 years later! I had never achieved the dreams that were deep in my heart.

I cried as I thought to myself, “If I were dead and my kids found my journals, what would they think of me?” Would they see their mother as a failure? An embarrassment? A woman who had dreams and never pursued them? Someone who complained, but didn’t change anything? A woman who gave up?

Would they end up resenting me? Would they shake their heads in pity and disgust when they remembered me?

Would I be an example of how NOT to live their lives?

Or worse, would they live their lives as unfulfilled as I was? Like me, would they live an unlived life?

As morbid as my thinking was, it was in that moment that I knew I had to make some serious changes. I decided right then and there, this was not how I was going to be remembered. This was not going to be the example I’d leave. “No”, I said to myself, “This shit’s gotta change. Now!”

Taking Control

So I made the difficult decision to close my school down permanently. And while leaving my students was hard (as I loved them so), I knew it was the right decision – for me and what was truly important to me – my health, my life, and my family.

I took time to reflect on what I wanted (and didn’t want) in my life.

I invested in myself by getting the help I needed to heal from the traumas and beliefs that had been holding me back.

I started taking care of myself through exercise, proper nutrition, and sleep.

I started to lose weight and get in shape

I started repairing my relationships.

I got out of debt.

I learned to set boundaries around my work and life.

I started dancing again.

I began to own my dreams, and set goals and a plan to achieve them.

I wanted to be an inspiration and build a legacy for my family. I wanted to rebuild my marriage, take charge of my life, and not waste another moment wishing for what I dreamed for.

Why Working with Me is Different