Don’t Throw Away Your Coffee Grounds!
Coffee grounds have many uses from gardening to beauty, and some say, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Here’s another fun list I’ve collected over the years.
Now, I haven’t tried everything on the list, but the ones I’ve tried, I’ve gotten great results (such as in the garden and as a facial scrub), so I thought I’d share (if for nothing else but for the fun of it).
If you do try them, let me know how they work for you and have fun reading!
Remember to use organic coffee grounds- especially on your body!
- For healthier plants, add coffee grounds to the potting soil of garden plants. Keep in freezer until ready for use. Coffee grounds are very effective when put in rose bushes. Just make sure your outdoor pets don’t have access to those areas as they might try to eat the coffee grinds.
- Coffee grounds make a great natural stain for wood, clothing, baskets, and covering up nicks in wood furniture.
- Keep a small container of fresh coffee grounds in the back of your refrigerator or freezer for a natural deodorizer.
- Place coffee grounds in or near the tracks of sliding glass doors to keep ants away.
- Use coffee grounds to remove grease from pots and pans. Keep a little container of fresh grounds near your kitchen sink.
- Sprinkle a tiny bit of fresh coffee grounds in or near the cat litter box for a natural deodorizer.
- Brewed coffee can also be used in light brown/brunette hair to bring out the color.
- Replenish your summer tan by rubbing coffee grounds all over your body then leave on for 30 minutes. Brewed coffee at room temperature can also be sponged and left on your skin for 20-30 minutes. Darker skin can be achieved by repeating this process more often.
- To reduce the appearance of cellulite, while in the shower, vigorously rub coffee grounds on troubled cellulite spots for a few minutes everyday or a few times a week.
- Give yourself a wonderful homemade body scrub/facial with coffee grounds, resulting in the smooth, soft skin! For even smoother skin, add a few Tablespoons of Jojoba Oil or Olive Oil right from your kitchen cabinet accompanied by a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
If you’re not a coffee drinker, it’s a good idea to do a patch test before adding coffee into your beauty or skincare routine
How to do a patch test
- Wash your arm from your wrist to your elbow, and pat it dry.
- Rub a small amount of coffee grounds onto a small area of the underside of your arm.
- Wipe the grounds off.
- Wait 24 hours. If there’s no reaction, you’re good to go. If you experience redness, itching, or hives, you’ll want to avoid using coffee on your skin or hair.
Now, if you’ve past the test (or you’re already a coffee drinker), here’s a lovely recipe for a body scrub
Brown Sugar Vanilla Body Scrub
- 1 Cup Fresh Coffee Grounds
- 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
- 1/4 Cup of either Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil or Sweet Almond Oil.
- 1 Tablespoon Vanilla Essential Oil or Vanilla Extract
- Mix all ingredients together
- If mixture looks a little crumbly and dry, add a little more oil
- While in the shower, rub all over body with a Loofah Scrub or your hand
- Best kept in the refrigerator. Throw it away if it begins to mold