Urgent! Protect Farmers From Losing their Land

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hate sending this to you so close to the holidays but it couldn't wait. This was an email sent with an urgent call to action. Please read and follow the links to contact your representatives to protect our farmland. "...land is the only thing…

Properly-Prepared Porridge

A tasty staple that I make weekly - properly-prepared in the tradition of our wise & wild ancestors - soaked or fermented for better digestion and nutrient absorption. Sally Fallon explains in her Nourishing Traditions cookbook the importance of soaking or fermenting all your grains, "...all grains contain phytic acid…

Kefir Bread

This is a simple, yet super tasty and hearty bread. Topped with a drizzle of honey makes for a sweet treat. When I first made it, hubby asked for another piece right away, saying, "It's like liquid candy." Great also topped with yogurt cheese or warmed with a pat of…

Get Fit the Primitive Way

If you need some variety in your work out, go primitive. Our ancestors were fit without any fancy equipment. They moved in a way that supported their lives, gave them the strength and mobility they needed to survive and thrive. Here's a sneak peak of some exercises from my Wise…

When the Sh*t Hits The Fan

This is going to get a bit personal, but as many of us are in the same boat, maybe sharing my story can be of some benefit. Side note: I know this post's picture is a bit on the humorous side, but when things get heavy, sometimes we need a…

One Big Fat Lie

Over forty years of low-fat diets: a ‘failed experiment’ Recent research suggests that eating a low-fat/high-carbohydrate diet—which Americans were advised to do for about 40 years—is not a good idea. But Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health nutrition expert David Ludwig says that the low-fat diet remains “deeply embedded in public…

From Hood To Homestead

We closed! So excited. We've been camping out for a year in an apartment waiting to find the right property. As soon as we saw it, hubby and I both said, "This is it!" 22 acres with a creek and pond. Horse stables and plenty of room for planting an…

I Totally Didn’t Feel It Today!

I spent approximately 15 mins arguing with myself this morning whether to workout or not. I have a super busy day today and working out was not on the top of my list. I finally said, "Okay, just give it 10."I decided to workout for just 10 mins and then…

Beautifying Breakfast Cereal

Another simple and delicious recipe from my Leading Lady Reset Cleanse. Tastes like I'm eating dessert for breakfast. For convenience, I prepare my nuts and seeds before bed (see below). So good, nutritious, and a great way to energize your morning. Prep: Soak sunflower seeds and sliced almonds overnight in…

Those Last Few Pounds are a B*tch!

I was so frustrated! I was working out and kept having to adjust my workout pants so I wouldn't share my "plumber's butt" with everyone while doing squats. After my workout I went into the bathroom and realized why. My work out pants were too big! I hadn't weighed myself…