Are You an Emotional Eater Quiz

Welcome to Are You an Emotional Eater Quiz

If you suspect you might have a problem with emotional eating, take this quiz to find out.


You weren't hungry but you just had a second serving of dessert and you...

You just got some amazing news. you immediately want to celebrate by...

Your favorite time to eat is when...

Someone, your partner or friend, has you really frustrated. You release some energy by...

It's a rainy day and you're bored stiff but don't want to leave your house or do the chores so you...

There's some items in your pantry that you...

You're hungry. Are you able to distinguish between a physical hunger or hunger for something else?

If you KNOW you're hungry because of an emotional state do you...

You popped open that bag of cookies you adore and before you know it, they're gone. Do you...

You're about to enter an emotional danger zone like a wedding, a visit from the in-laws, or there's been a death close to you, do you...

Please understand, emotional eating isn't about food. It goes much deeper than that. If you want more support in overcoming emotional eating, and learning to live a life of freedom, please contact us at to learn more about my coaching programs. I'm here to help!