I eat healthy food that doesn’t include processed food or fast food.
I drink at least 8 glasses of clean water per day.
I intentionally move my body at least 30 minutes per day for health.
I sleep at least 7-8 hours per night.
My energy levels are high.
I think clearly and make decisions in a timely manner.
I have less than 2 alcoholic drinks per day 2-3 times per week.
I manage my weight with ease.
I tune into my body and give it what it needs consistently.
I have quiet, uninterrupted time to think daily.
I focus on self-care several times a week
I stay fully present and engaged in the moment.
I manage stress well on a daily basis.
I believe that I am capable of creating anything I want in my life.
The pressures of life don’t get me down. I always find a positive way to rise above.
I believe that my life has meaning and purpose.
I process my emotions easily even if they are trying at times.
I feel at peace with my past.
I am optimistic about my future.
I practice a regular routine of connecting with a higher power (prayer, chanting, etc.).
I spend quality time connecting with family and friends each week.
I have good relationships with my coworkers.
I have a solid support system and I connect with it regularly.
I connect with nature on a regular basis.
I honor my values.