The Joy of a Healthy Home

For me, keeping an organized, clean and de-cluttered home keeps my mind organized and de-cluttered.

Keeping up on your home saves time, energy and sanity. Letting things pile up and fill your “to do list” to overflowing is overwhelming, stressful, and depressing. While walking into a house that is orderly and  clean can bring peace, and comfort, and a sense of well-being (and as an A+ personality, having my house in order gives me sense of control in an out-of-control world).

Your home is your sanctuary and running around frantically saying, “Now where in the (blank) did I put that (blankity-blankity-blankity-blank-blank?)”, doesn’t quite create an atmosphere where upon walking in you can exhale and softly say, “Ah, I’m home.” 

Even as a Child

I have been an avid organizer and cleaner since I was young. Walking into a room where the bed was made, clothes were put away, and things were in their place at least gave me comfort, no matter how bad or chaotic my day was. 

Housekeeper of the Month

I even worked many cleaning jobs while my son was young and I was going to college.  I was even  “Housekeeper of the Month” several times when I worked as a hotel housekeeper and I got high marks when I worked early mornings as a janitor at a restaurant.

That is until the day I walked in and what I thought was rice all over the floor, started to move.  That was it, I quit. The only job I ever walked out on.

Helping Friends and Family

I also have enjoyed helping friends and my family learn how to get organized and keep a clean, healthy home. It’s just always been something that came super easy for me and I loved sharing my ideas with others.

A Place To Escape

As I said, your home should be a place of peace and comfort, not a place you enter with dread. It should be your oasis. It doesn’t matter the size.  I once made a home for four of us in a one bedroom apartment.

And it doesn’t matter how simple or fancy.  All that matters is you create an atmosphere where you and your family can escape the world. 

No Stress

And it doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful. The goal is to tackle the small piles while they are still small and do a little at a time. But if you have big piles, don’t get discouraged. Just take it room by room, bit by bit.  Like a healthy life-style – small changes reap big rewards.

Don’t Forget to Enjoy It

And remember, a home is to be lived in, enjoyed by the hearts that fill that home.  So relax. Though we want to keep our homes orderly, we aren’t talking sterile, here.  Enjoy the toys scattered about as the kids or grandkids have their fun (just encourage them to put them away when they’re done) and the way the kitchen looks after a wonderful home-cooked meal (just ask everyone to pitch in with the cleaning).

Part of living in a healthy home is living in it. Life is to be lived, loved ones to be loved, and memories to be made! A healthy home is where love abounds!

So enjoy, love, and live!