56 Different Names for Sugar

You're doing all you can to live a healthy life, but the food industry is working against you. It has been shown that food manufacturers literally do research on how to make you more addicted to their foods. The more you eat, the more money they make. Cha-ching. And while…

Don’t Throw Away Your Coffee Grounds!

Coffee grounds have many uses from gardening to beauty, and some say, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Here's another fun list I've collected over the years. Now, I haven't tried everything on the list, but the ones I've tried, I've gotten great results (such as in the garden and as…

Rest Is Good for the Body

Taking time to rest is so important to meeting your fitness goals.  When you take time to rest, you are allowing your body to repair itself.  You see, when you work out, you actually tear and break down the muscle (this is why you may feel sore a day or…

Calorie Busting Moves for all Fitness Levels!

If you move your body, guess what? You're burning calories! And the more you move, depending on the activity, the more calories you'll burn. The idea is to just get that heart beating!Even everyday activities can burn some of those extra calories without having to spend extra time at the gym.  Here…

Cardio: Slow and Steady or Fast and Furious?

Regardless of all the different classes and workouts out there, there are basically two types of categories that cardio exercise falls into and arguments abound on which is best.  I feel, why not add both into your exercise regimen?  The truth is both types have their benefits and variety helps…

Monitoring Your Heart Rate

Monitoring your heart rate can help you in achieving your fitness goals. Knowing how hard you need to work to achieve your desired shape and fitness level will encourage you to challenge yourself. Being able to see how hard you are working will let you see how well you are…

How Hard Are You Working?

Whether you want to burn calories and fat, train for an athletic event, or just gain or maintain better health, you want to get the most out of your workouts. You're putting in the time, but do you know if you're working at a level where you'll see results? This…

Let’s Get Physical – Becoming a Cardio Queen

So you have decided to start exercising. Great!  No matter if you are new to exercise, just haven't exercised for awhile, or are a fitness guru, to get the most out of your workouts, you need to  plan. You know the saying "Fail to plan, plan to fail"? Well, it's true no…

Hit That Bull’s Eye

The first step in achieving success in anything in life is effective goal setting.  When you can define what it is you truly want, when you can see with laser-like focus your desires, then you have a better chance in achieving it.  I believe that. I've experienced that. But, we have to…

Time-Saving Cleaning Tips

Don't you wish there was a cleaning genie who could come and magically clean your house? I remember when I was young, I told my mom, "When I grow up, I'm getting a housekeeper." She told me, " You'll just end up cleaning up right behind her. " She was…